The last casualty of a failed covenant

In Moses’ final address to the Israelites, he painted a vivid picture of what it meant to be God's chosen covenant people in the world. He also depicted a heart-stopping visual of what it would mean if they failed to live out God's covenant. In deliberate warning, Moses said if they rebelled against God, their … Continue reading The last casualty of a failed covenant

Martha, Mary, and waiting on the Lord

Waiting-on-the-Lord is a phrase the Bible uses to describe how we might navigate the tension that exists between being passively attentive to the formational work God’s Spirit is carrying out in and around us, and actively carrying God’s work in our lives. Jesus’ interaction at Martha and Mary’s home illustrates how this can be done … Continue reading Martha, Mary, and waiting on the Lord

A king’s faithfulness for Israel’s legacy (part two)

The kind of community God intended to establish throughout Israel indicates there was no immediate place or need for a king. Every member of God’s covenant community was responsible for living faithfully to God’s covenant. But in the event Israel ever had the rebellious nerve to demand a king, that king was to only exist … Continue reading A king’s faithfulness for Israel’s legacy (part two)

Celebrate the Mothers, but what about the Others?

Mother’s Day is this Sunday.  Now you know.  Our churches usually celebrate in similar ways; sometimes we organize a Mother’s Day breakfast or hand out flowers to the mothers.  You know how it goes.  But this morning I overheard a conversation in passing that was concerned for the other women who desperately desire to be … Continue reading Celebrate the Mothers, but what about the Others?

Guardian of Goodness in an Unsafe World | Matthew 2:13-14

Joseph, Mary, and toddler Jesus had just received a visit from some eastern astrologers hailing him as “king of the Jews”, expressing wonder and worship as they bowed down and brought him gifts.  It was a remarkable moment, probably giving everyone pause to ponder what God was doing behind the scenes.  But soon after they … Continue reading Guardian of Goodness in an Unsafe World | Matthew 2:13-14