The last casualty of a failed covenant

In Moses’ final address to the Israelites, he painted a vivid picture of what it meant to be God's chosen covenant people in the world. He also depicted a heart-stopping visual of what it would mean if they failed to live out God's covenant. In deliberate warning, Moses said if they rebelled against God, their … Continue reading The last casualty of a failed covenant

Being Present this Passion Week

“Good Friday” is an ironic phrase. In and of itself, it was the most grievous day in human history; the goodness God worked out from it would not be experienced until three days later. Until Sunday factors in, Friday is a day filled with grief. For the first time in our lifetimes, this Passion Week … Continue reading Being Present this Passion Week

How Christ-on-the-cross shows God cares

Several months ago, an older woman who knew I was a Christian approached and asked if she could speak with me; she proceeded to share many different themes that all of us could relate to—moments of hurt, long periods of loneliness, pent-up anger, health issues, financial difficulties. Sometimes she would cuss as she spoke, apologize, … Continue reading How Christ-on-the-cross shows God cares